Hope you will join us on Sunday!

A community fully alive in Jesus Christ

80 Mill St. North, Waterdown, ON L0R 2H0
905 689-8115

Baptisms at Knox


It is always a joyous occasion when there are services of baptism at Knox.   At Knox we baptize children and adults in our services of worship.  Baptism with water is the sacrament by which we enter into the life of the church as God’s people.  We are marked with water as Christians, followers of Jesus Christ.

It is a part of our church doctrine that parent(s) seeking baptism for their child/infant are either professing members of Knox Church or another Christian Church and are actively fulfilling the call of their own baptism. (Living Faith 7.6.3)

Anyone interested in baptism for themselves or their children will need to contact the pastor.  The request for baptism will then come to the elders of the church for their approval.

Get in Touch

Looking for someone to talk to? Call 289 775-8864 or send us an email.