Hope you will join us on Sunday!

A community fully alive in Jesus Christ

80 Mill St. North, Waterdown, ON L0R 2H0
905 689-8115

Ministry Teams


Hospitality is responsible for our church family to grow in Christian community and love, strengthening and nurturing the Knox family for service to Christ in the world. This team is responsible for developing ministries to help newcomers feel welcomed into the life of Knox Church.

Discipleship & Education

This team is responsible for developing and overseeing ministries that will lead all ages into a deeper faith in Christ. Opportunities will be offered for life long learning and growth through teaching, equipping, and practical ministry.

Mission & Outreach

This team is responsible for leading the Knox Church family forward in the sharing of the Good News of the Gospel with our community and world, and to tangibly reveal the love of Christ to those in need.

Congregational Care

Congregational Care is responsible to ensure the members and adherents of the Knox Church family are genuinely cared for and fulfill their call to love and care for each other. A contact Ministry team has been set up to communicate regularly with all members and adherents either at church or otherwise.


This ministry is responsible for developing and overseeing worship life at Knox Church. Our worship life will seek to glorify God, encourage, strengthen, and challenge believers, and give visitors a sense of the presence of God in our midst.

Get in Touch

Looking for someone to talk to? Call 289 775-8864 or send us an email.