Please note masks are no longer required in the building, but recommended.

A community fully alive in Jesus Christ

80 Mill St. North, Waterdown, ON L0R 2H0
905 689-8115

Ways to Donate to Knox


During our weekly services using Envelopes. When you begin attending Knox Waterdown, you can request a set of numbered envelopes to be used for giving. You can complete your envelope at home and bring it with you to give on Sunday morning. This method allows us to accurately provide you with a record of your giving.

Pre-Authorized Remittance

Establish an automatic withdrawal from your chequing or savings account through our PRE-AUTHORIZED REMITTANCE (PAR) which makes monthly withdrawals from your bank account. You’ll never have to worry about writing that cheque at the last minute or giving while you’re away.

Download the PAR form (pdf 61.5kb), fill it in, and drop it off at the Church office.

On-Line Through Canada Helps

Click the link to make donations via credit card online.  You can choose to make one-time or ongoing donations. Giving online is a secure and easy way to give your offerings while at home or away for things like vacations.

Donating Stocks

If you have stocks that have appreciated in value, you can save money on taxes while helping Knox. Donating the appreciated stock to Knox provides benefits to both you and the organization. You can avoid taxes on the significant capital gain you have accumulated, and the church can get the money it needs to carry on its good works throughout the world. Please contact the Office Administrator if you would like further information about this.

Planned Giving

Your legacy gift to Knox will provide a bright future for our ministry. Please talk to Pastor Grant if you are interested in this opportunity. You can give your legacy to a general fund or target it to a cause such as Youth Programs or the Education Endowment if that is your desire.

Giving of Your Time

Knox welcomes your involvement to serve God and the community. Volunteering at Knox is a great opportunity to exercise your talents, discover new talents, gain experience, learn new things, and meet new people. If you're interested in a particular ministry or interested but unsure of where you'd like to be involved, please contact Pastor Grant. He can help point you in the right direction and figure out where your gifts would be best used. There are lots of opportunities (pdf 30.2kb).

Get in Touch

Looking for someone to talk to? Call 289 775-8864 or send us an email.