Hope you will join us on Sunday!

A community fully alive in Jesus Christ

80 Mill St. North, Waterdown, ON L0R 2H0
905 689-8115



Early Morning Men’s Group: Wednesdays from 6:30 to 7:30am. Go to https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87897973118?pwd=ckc0aVRHM2hZVElOdW1nYUlqQVhiZz09.



Coffee Time: Sundays in the building following the in-person service (around 11am). 

Drop-In: Meets on Tuesdays at 2pm in the Knox Gathering Hall. It is a casual setting with coffee, tea, snacks, and conversation.

Praise Band: Meets on Tuesdays at 8pm in the Knox Sanctuary preparing for the leading of worship at the 10am services on Sundays.

Ladies Bible Study: A community Ladies Bible Study takes place every Thursday morning (Sept-June) from 9:45-11:15am in the Knox Gathering Hall. There is discussion and reflection on God's Word.

Sewing Group: Meets on Thursdays from 1-4pm in the upstairs rooms of Knox.

Women’s Small Group: Thursdays at 1pm. For further information, e-mail Janet Crouse @ rhsgoldengirls@gmail.com.

Book Club: The Knox Book Club usually meets on the last Friday of the month (Sept–June) at 7:30pm in the Knox Gathering Hall.

Prayer Group: The Knox Church Prayer Chain prays for God’s leading and blessing for the church, the community, and individuals as well as situations of need. If you need prayer or have a prayer request you can send it via e-mail to community.care@knoxwaterdown.ca. 

Get in Touch

Looking for someone to talk to? Call 289 775-8864 or send us an email.